JUNE 20, 2023 — Editor’s note: The following message was sent today via email from President Taylor Eighmy to all faculty and staff.
Now that the 88th Texas Legislative regular session has concluded, I’m writing to provide general updates on several outcomes and their implications on 世界杯官方app, particularly around the state budget passed by House Bill 1 and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.
To begin, I want to express my deep gratitude for the work of our governmental relations teams at 世界杯官方app and at The University of Texas System. Alongside our counterparts at UT System, they advocated for our 世界杯官方app community and higher education. I’d like to especially thank Carlos Martinez, Teresa Niño, Jason Hassay and Albert Carrisalez; their collective internal and external engagement was very beneficial. Also, I’m immensely grateful to Senior Vice President for Business Affairs Veronica Salazar and her colleague Senior Associate Vice President for Financial Affairs Sheri Hardison, who worked with the Office of Budget & Financial Planning team and many 世界杯官方app subject matter experts to respond to more than 328 inquiries from UT System regarding proposed legislation over the course of the session. Thank you, all.
By way of context, the Legislature convened this past January with a record budget surplus of $32.7 billion and a robust economic forecast for Texas. This represented a unique opportunity for the Legislature to consider generational investments in higher education. In a collaborative effort to make uniform investments across higher education, Texas’s six major public higher education systems shared an initiative with the Legislature surrounding affordability. Each university would freeze in-state tuition and some fees for undergraduate resident students over the biennium if the state were to strategically invest $1 billion into reducing higher education’s growing expenses. Specifically, the state investment would increase formula funding to adjust for inflation, subsidize Hazlewood legacy costs, fully pay for higher education health insurance, and continue regional university funding.
世界杯官方app also supported collaborative initiatives such as the establishment of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium, the Texas Space Commission and the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas, in addition to 世界杯官方app specific non-formula funded items. The Semiconductor and Space Commission will be funding and collaborating on opportunities for our researchers.
Appropriations to higher education institutions were contingent on the passage of specific policies and the stipulation that an institution’s in-state, undergraduate resident's tuition and some fees would be frozen for the next two academic years. Specifically, HB1 required that SB 17, prohibition of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, and SB 18, the codification of tenure, be passed by the Legislature before appropriations would be released. As shared in a May 30 communication, more information will be provided about implementation of SB 17 and 18 once guidance is received from UT System. I want to reiterate our deep commitment to who we are as an institution, the students we educate, and the community that we serve.
HB1 reflects a portion of the requested affordability investment, roughly $700 million, to achieving the affordability goal. While the additional funding is appreciated, it doesn’t fully eliminate the operational challenges moving into the 2024-25 biennium.
Appropriated General and Supplemental Funding
The budget for the next biennium reflects an increase of roughly $71 million in appropriations and roughly $6 million in supplemental funding, bringing our biennial allocation from roughly $292 million to $363 million. The allocations reflecting these increases are described below.
Formula Funding
Based on the funding enumerated in HB 1, 世界杯官方app will receive a formula general revenue appropriation of $281 million spread over the two years of the biennium—an increase of $20 million (8%) over the last biennium.
I would like to emphasize that our collective efforts to continue improving retention rates and student success outcomes for our Roadrunners—paired with affordability additions—contributed to positive funding outcomes for 世界杯官方app in this session. My thanks go to the many who contributed their energies to this important work, including Provost and Senior Vice President Kimberly Andrews Espy, academic deans, vice provosts, department chairs, faculty and staff in Academic Affairs.
As part of the affordability initiative the Legislature increased appropriations to the Hazlewood legacy program, which reimburses institutions for the reduced cost of attendance of military-affiliated students and their dependents. The Legislature appropriated $184.9 million over the biennium to reimburse all general academic institutions 72% of 2022 total cost to institutions. 世界杯官方app’s increase was roughly $13 million over the biennium.
Higher Education Group Insurance
The Legislature increased appropriations to cover roughly 88.6% of basic life and health coverage for all active and retired higher education employees participating in the Employees Retirement System group benefits program. The reimbursement of these expenses is capped, and 世界杯官方app’s cap increased approximately $5.7 million over the biennium.
National Research University Fund (NRUF) – Texas University Fund (TUF)
The Legislature eliminated NRUF beginning in FY24 and created a $3 billion TUF, which must be approved by a statewide referendum in November 2023. The TUF will significantly benefit the University of Houston, Texas Tech University, the University of North Texas and Texas State University. 世界杯官方app and the other three University of Texas System PUF-eligible emerging research universities will not be eligible to participate in the TUF. We are presently under audit for our share of the FY23 NRUF fund, expected to be over $5 million.
Core Research Support Fund (CRSF) – National Research Support Fund
When the Legislature eliminated NRUF they also renamed CRSF to NRSF and provided a funding increase. That increase was contingent on specific legislative policy passing and requires UT System to match the funding. We are working with UT System to better understand those matching opportunities. 世界杯官方app’s projected increase is roughly $33.6 million spread over the next two years of the biennium. Additionally, the timing of fund availability is contingent on the passage of the statewide TUF referendum.
Texas Grants
The Texas Grants program continues to have a clear impact on the retention and graduation rates of our Roadrunners. HB1 included an increase of $84 million over the two years of the biennium in statewide funds for these grants. This will give more of our students—some 70% of whom rely on financial aid—access to this financial support.
San Antonio Life Sciences Initiative (SALSI)
The Legislature was very supportive of 世界杯官方app’s SALSI initiative given the success and impact the program is having on life sciences research. The Legislature provided an additional $2 million one-time allocation for the 2024-25 biennium.
Texas B-On-Time (BOT)
世界杯官方app will receive a one-time $4 million supplemental appropriation from funds remaining in the Texas BOT, which was a former loan program intended to encourage on-time graduation rates by incentivizing students with lower costs. Since the program was not fully utilized, the Legislature will now reimburse institutions for the unused funds.
Collaborative R&D Opportunities
世界杯官方app worked collaboratively to support and advance the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium which will oversee the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund (TSIF). The TSIF was appropriated $700 million to provide matching funds to institutions of higher education for semiconductor manufacturing and design projects.
世界杯官方app has also lent support for the Space Exploration and Aeronautics Research Fund, a component of the newly created Texas Space Commission. HB 1 appropriates $150 million in related grants which can be utilized by 世界杯官方app researchers.
世界杯官方app was also supportive of the initiative to create the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas that would have provided significant grant opportunities to advance the research being conducted at 世界杯官方app. Regretfully, this initiative didn’t pass.
Other Special Items
世界杯官方app worked to secure additional funding for several 世界杯官方app specific, non-formula funded or exceptional items and advance a new Bold Research Initiative (BRI). While BRI did receive support, new funding for it–or, additional funding for existing initiatives—didn’t materialize. Each of 世界杯官方app’s existing non-formula items, including the Texas Demographic Center, the Small Business Development Center, the Institute of Texan Cultures, Cybersecurity for Manufacturing, Texas Pre-Engineering Program, Foster Care Pilot Program and Institutional Enhancement maintained their 2022-23 biennium funding levels.
The emerging research universities advocated for addressing the back log on Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP) funding, but the back log was not addressed this session.
Please be aware that Senior Vice President Salazar, Provost and Senior Vice President Espy and I will send a follow-up message about the implications of this net funding increase and other components of our FY23-24 budget preparations and our IRM budget modeling.
I’d like to reiterate that the entire San Antonio legislative delegation (listed alphabetically)—Senators Campbell, Flores, Gutierrez, Menéndez and Zaffirini; and Representatives Allison, Bernal, Campos, Cortez, Dorazio, Garcia, Gervin-Hawkins, Lopez, Lujan and Martinez-Fischer—were strong advocates for 世界杯官方app’s priorities, especially given the unique challenges they faced this year in formulating the budget. I am deeply appreciative to them for supporting so many programs that are vital to our ongoing success.
I am equally appreciative of all of you. Your hard work this year on behalf of our students, community and research enterprise did not go unnoticed by our elected leaders. Thank you for the many ways you have helped 世界杯官方app to thrive.
世界杯官方app Today is produced by University Communications and Marketing, the official news source of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Send your feedback to news@kongtiao11.com. Keep up-to-date on 世界杯官方app news by visiting 世界杯官方app Today. Connect with 世界杯官方app online at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.
Join 世界杯官方app Libraries for a virtual workshop for EndNote users who have mastered the basics but would like to learn about more advanced features the program can offer.
Virtual Event (Zoom)Join 世界杯官方app Libraries for a virtual workshop for EndNote users who have mastered the basics but would like to learn about more advanced features the program can offer.
Group Spot B, John Peace LibraryStudents, faculty and staff are invited to join 世界杯官方app's delegation at the annual César E. Chávez March for Justice in downtown San Antonio. Free transportation will be provided from the Main and Downtown Campuses, and all university community participants will receive a complimentary commemorative t-shirt (while supplies last)
1310 Guadalupe Street, San Antonio, TexasPubMed is an essential database for anyone conducting biomedical or health-related research. This workshop will teach attendees how to effectively navigate this free resource and locate peer-reviewed articles using advanced search features, MeSH subject headings, and Boolean operators.
Virtual Event (Zoom)Join us for a hands-on workshop about the basics of copyright, both in education and as a researcher. We’ll dispel some common copyright myths, differences between copyright law and other intellectual property law, and teach you how to apply a Fair Use checklist to your scholarly work.
Virtual Event (Zoom)In this workshop, we will explore sentiment analysis, a method for identifying feelings in text, whether the tone is positive, negative, or neutral.
Group Spot B, John Peace LibraryThe University of Texas at San Antonio is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research and discovery, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of access and excellence, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions and serves as a center for intellectual and creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, the nation and the world.
To be a premier public research university, providing access to educational excellence and preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.
We encourage an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.
世界杯官方app is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .
The University of Texas at San Antonio, a Hispanic Serving Institution situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples and cultures for centuries, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans and other underserved communities, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 世界杯官方app, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, discovery and innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.