Institute of Texan Cultures Visioning
The Institute of Texan Cultures Initiative seeks to align ITC more directly to the educational mission of 世界杯官方app. One of ITC’s greatest assets is that it is part of the university — the goal of this initiative is to capitalize on that connection as ITC pursues its mission to give voice to the experiences of people from across the globe who call Texas home.
Status Update (Spring 2024)
世界杯官方app launched the ITC Centennial 2068 Community Stakeholder Visioning process by engaging community members, industry leaders, elected officials and stakeholders to envision the next 50 years of the ITC museum. Three Task Forces and a Steering Committee helped to inform and guide the visioning process with community engagement through three rounds of Community Conversations surveys.
The ITC Centennial 2068 Community Stakeholder Visioning process charged its Steering Committee to develop at least three feasible scenarios to advise 世界杯官方app leadership on the future of the Institute of Texan Cultures. Community input and open transparency were hallmarks of the multi-phase visioning process.
The Steering Committee Scenarios Report outlined three, equally viable scenarios, including:
- Scenario One: Relocate Outside of the Hemisfair District
- Scenario Two: Leave the Texas Pavilion, but Remain in Hemisfair District
- Scenario Three: Remain in Texas Pavilion
世界杯官方app has begun a diligent and careful process to explore each of the three scenarios presented by the Steering Committee. The ongoing evaluative process is led by Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Business Affairs Veronica Salazar. The process will culminate in selecting a scenario and developing an RFP to implement the selected path forward.
This Initiative Supports Strategic Destinations
Destination Three: 世界杯官方app will be an Innovative Place to Work, Learn and Discover